Voiceover: The caster can throw his voice thus causing a diversion of sorts. Splinters: The caster can cause a limited amount of wood to shatter into thousands of small splinters. Silence: Those affected will not be able to cast spells due to a magical barrier in the throat. Shrink Foe: Will make those affected easier to hit in combat. Repulsive Bubble Damage: 1-6 x Power Range: NA Target: All Adjacent Sight: NA Duration: -10% Save Ogre Hide: Those affected will have their skin transformed to dragon hide. All physical damage reduced by 5 points/attack. Any successful attack will still do at least 1 point of damage. Limited Phase: Will allow the caster to teleport during combat. The caster's turn will be over after phasing. Lightning Strike Damage: 1-6 x Power Range: 20 Target: Single Target Sight: NO Duration: NA Enchanted Blade: Will cause those affected to do more damage in combat. Those affected do not need to have a weapon in order to receive this benefit. Electrical Protection: Those affected will have all damage of a electrical based attack against them reduced by 1/2. Discover Magic: Will show if any objects worn by enemies or objects during the collection of treasure are magical in nature. Chemical Protection: Those affected will have all damage of a chemical based attack against them reduced by 1/2.